

KMUC 2024 Special Workshop


Scientific Paper Writing and Critical Analysis

本系將於2024/6/246/25邀請美國普林斯頓大學化學系老師Prof. Chia-Ying Wang 蒞校演講,針對研究生科學論文寫作與發表之基本技巧、文獻資料庫之運用及學習科學文章之評論等進行相關課程教學,課程內容如下圖。歡迎各位踴躍報名參加!

"2024  Scientific Paper Writing and Critical Analysis Summer Workshop" will be held on June 24th to 25th.
The Department of Medicine and Applied Chemistry will be honored to invite Prof. Chia-Ying Wang from the Department of Chemistry of Princeton University, USA.
If you are interested, welcome to join us!!


Prof. Chia-Ying Wang

(Department of Chemistry Princeton University)

【時間 / 地點 Date& Venue

時間Time2024/06/24 13:00 pm – 17:00 pm (Mon.)

2024/06/25 10:00 am – 14:00 pm (Tue.)

地點:第一教學大樓 N218  (Room N218, 2F, The first teaching building)

【報名網址Registration URL



We will be providing lunch boxes after the course on the second day. To help us accurately estimate the number needed, please complete the online registration by 12:00 PM on June 21, 2024, thank you.

【課程內容 Course content


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